Suzy Lee Picture + Book Artist
The wordless picture books of Suzy Lee have been recognised as unique literary and aesthetic innovations. Born in Seoul in 1974, she studied painting at the College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University and upon graduation began illustrating children’s novels. During studies at Camberwell College of Arts in the UK she took a draft of her Master's project, Alice in Wonderland, to the Bologna Children's Book Fair and it was published by Edizioni Corraini in 2002. Her next book Mirror was published in 2003 and became the first of the Border Trilogy: Mirror (2003), Wave (2008) and Shadow (2010). All three wordless stories share the physical centre of the book, the binding, that acts as a border between fantasy and reality in the actual story. On one side of the page, we see a little girl, in a mirror, at the seaside, in a storage room and on the other side of the page we see her fantasy and imagination. Wave has received several distinctions in the USA, including the New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Book 2008 and was selected for the IBBY Silent Books Honour List in 2013. Shadow was also selected as the New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Book in 2010 as well as the Premio FNLIJ, Brazil and Premio Albumilustrado, Gremio de Libros de Madrid, Spain. Her book Lines (2017) captures her love (and sometimes frustration) of line drawing and minimal colours in the story of a young skater. Her story of a rescued dog Kang-yi (River, the Black Dog 2018) was selected for the 2020 IBBY Honour List and won the Korea Book Award. Recently, she founded the independent publishing company Hintoki Press to publish her own experimental works inspired by old Korean folk motifs. Her involvement with the Vacances, a collective of other Korean picture book artists, led to the haunting book, Sim Cheong (2019). Yulu Linen, the collaboration with Cao Wenxhuen, and the most recent work of her own Summer won the Bologna Ragazzi Award (Special Mention in Fiction) in 2021 and 2022 in a row, and she received the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award (Illustrator) in 2022.
>Suzy Lee CV (English)
>List of translated editions

그림+책 작가 이수지
한국과 영국에서 회화와 북아트를 공부하고 세계 여러 나라에서 그림책을 펴냈다. 책의 물성을 이용한 작업과 글 없는 그림책의 형식으로 아이들의 놀이와 에너지를 책에 담는다. “흰토끼프레스”를 운영하고 있다. 2022년 ‘한스 크리스티안 안데르센 상' 그림작가 부문 수상, 그 외 ‘볼로냐 라가치상 픽션 부문 스페셜 멘션’, ‘한국출판문화상’, ‘뉴욕 타임스 그림책상’, ‘보스턴 글로브 혼 북 명예상’ 등을 수상했고, 대표작으로 《여름이 온다》, 《강이》, 《선》, 《파도야 놀자》, 《그림자놀이》, 《거울속으로》 등이 있다. www.suzyleebooks.com
>이수지 약력 (Korean)